Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

In order to have smooth users experience with extension installation and management all extension developers need to comply and follow requirements for AbanteCart extension API and distribution.
Below is a Checklist with some suggestions and guidance to extension construction:


icon image:            	image/icon.png (Size: 57x57 px)
       	main preview:       	image/preview.jpg (Size: 350 x 350 px)
       	additional preview: image/preview1.jpg (Size: 350 x 350 px)
                                          	image/preview2.jpg (Size: 350 x 350 px)
                                          	more images as needed ...

Extension naming and description is defined in language files
Extension name is defined with definition key = <extension>_name
Extension description is defined with definition key = <extension>_note . Please note that in order to show extension description you should enable it in extension config like <note>true</note>

Archiving instructions:
Final completed package needs to be archived to zip format with all files/directories hierarchy starting from root directory.

An example of directory structure for package:

  • code – contain extension code starting from application root. ( /extensions/<extention>…. )
  • manuals – help files
  • copyright.txt
  • license.txt
  • package.xml
Code Block
<?xml version="1.0"?>


- current version of extension - start version which can be upgraded. have to contain only two parts - major and minor versions.

If you intend to resale extension via AbanteCart market place, please make sure you are compliant with requirements as much as possible. This will help your extension to be approved faster and get better ranking.