Making sure everything is ready for the actual first day of live use.
Install an SSL certificate for the website. Note: your domain name with and without the "www" part to be two different websitesinstall Domain Verified SSL certificate
SSL certificates are what enable websites to move from HTTP to HTTPS, which is more secure. An SSL certificate is a data file hosted in a website's origin server. A website needs an SSL certificate in order to keep user data secure, verify ownership of the website, prevent attackers from creating a fake version of the site, and gain user trust.
For an SSL certificate to be valid, domains need to obtain it from a certificate authority (CA). A CA is an outside organization, a trusted third party, that generates and gives out SSL certificates. The CA will also digitally sign the certificate with their own private key, allowing client devices to verify it. Most, but not all, CAs will charge a fee for issuing an SSL certificate. Once the certificate is issued, it needs to be installed and activated on the website's origin server. Web hosting services can usually handle this for website operators.
2. Put the payment processor in live mode.
To use a payment gateway in AbanteCart, you will first need to create an account with one of the payment gateway providers.
3. Test shipping options
(FedEx, UPS) If you are selling goods that need to be shipped to your customers (as opposed to digital products such as software than can be downloaded), you need to add at least one shipping option
4. Test credit card transaction.
Process test transactions through payment.
5. Reset invoice start number.
System → Settings → Checkout
6. Reset Order start number.
System → Settings → Checkout. Note: some online payment processors like PayPal may cause duplicate orders ID problem in case you reinstall cart (AbanteCart order id numbers being the same as invoice numbers already used in PayPal with old cart installation).
7. Test placing an order, check tax, subtotal, totals.
You must configure the tax rate for your business before accepting sales. The moment your online store is activated, we recommend you complete an "end to end" test of the payment process.
8. Confirm order is placed.
Once an order is completed and payment is taken by the payment gateway, full details of the order will appear in your list of orders Sales → Orders
9. Verify New Customer Registration.
When a customer submits an online registration, a new account is created immediately. Make sure that the customer record exists in Sales → Customers
10. Clear out dummy records and test orders.
Delete test orders in Sales → Orders section
11. Make sure you have a privacy policy and Terms & Conditions.
Add or edit your polices in Design → Content
12. Configure Google Analytics
Save your Google Analytics Account Number in System → Settings → General
13. Test email to customer and to merchant.
When a sale is made on your site, you will be notified by email. This will often happen twice - one email from your payment processor, and one from AbanteCart for confirmation in case you have enabled Alert Mail setting in System → Settings → Mail.
14. Make sure you have contacts of the merchant, including phone number.
System → Settings → Store Details
15. Make sure your currencies exchange rates are up to date.
System → Localization → Currencies
16. Check Security
Set secure permission for /system/config.php and /index.php files. Needs to be set to read and execute modes (0644 or even 0444 on some servers) to keep it secured from editing!
Also make sure that you remove INSTALL folder in your site root directory.
17. Disable Display Errors
Go to System settings and set OFF to Display Errors config. Do not allow public visitors to see php or sql errors