In your store's Admin area, go to the System > Cache

AbanteCart is set up to be fast performing eCommerce solution with optimized resources use and execution time. To achieve great performance AbanteCart utilize caching of commonly used database queries and requests. This page will allow you to clear cache settings for different internal AbanteCart aspects. To use this tool, select cache and click the Clear Selected Cache button.

Clearing images cache will force your server to use more resources to regenerate images on next storefront page visit. This may slow down first time page load and high CPU usage on the server.

You have an option to disable Cache completely but it is not recommended on Live stores. Cached pages will not be re-created and site might start loading slow.

Additional Cache Drivers

Default cache driver is FILE. Starting AbanteCart 1.2.7 more drivers available for configuration like APC, APCU, FILE, MEMCACHE, MEMCACHED, XCACHE

To change driver in the /system/config.php file
Please modify this line

define('CACHE_DRIVER', 'file');

All available drivers located in the /core/cache/ folder