Google Analytics 4 tag ID

Go to System → Settings → General

This is a unique identifier that allows your website to send data to your GA4 property.

GA4 is the latest version of Google Analytics. Google Universal Analytics is deprecated in v1.3.4 Please enter your Google Analytics 4 tag ID. 


You need a MEASUREMENT ID, follow the instructions in this article.

To fully leverage e-commerce tracking in Google Analytics, you'll need to enable this feature in your profile settings. This allows you to track key metrics like transactions, revenue, and product performance.

Universal Analytics property will be named "Example (UA-1234567)" and your Google Analytics 4 property will be named MEASUREMENT ID "Example - G-YN27JE55RE".

If your theme does not support the new Google Analytics 4 create a HTML block with a new GA4 tracking code and add it to the header in all page layouts.

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