Reviews Edit
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Status: Review status will determine if the review is displayed or not. MUST be "ON" for review to appear in your store.
Verified purchase: enable to show "verified" badge near the rating stars on the product page. Indicate reviews posted by customers who purchase the product.
Author: the Author's name as it will appear in the front-end. Note: The author must be between 3 and 64 characters!
Product: select a category where the product is located, then select product the review is about.
Text: enter a review text.
Review Text must be between 25 and 1000 characters!
Rating: The review rating. Bad is 1 star, Good is 5 stars.
Reviews on Storefront
Customers able to write a review on the products page Reviews Tab. This may vary in third-party templates
to disable/enable rating or the write review form on storefront go to General Settings
To change the name of the Reviews tab on the product's page please edit Language Definition with key tab_review in System → Localization → Language Definitions
To prevent bot's spam reviews the Reviews form uses captcha for human verification. You can also easily replace it with Google reCaptcha