Versions Compared


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Go to the Extensions → Payments

By correctly configuring the Stripe extension, you can offer your customers a secure and convenient way to pay for their purchases on your AbanteCart store. Remember to test the integration thoroughly before going live.

To use this extension, you


must connect to a Stripe account (new or existing


). Click the "Connect" button. Even if you don't have a Stripe account yet,


click the


"Connect" button on the


"Additional Settings" tab to begin the account creation process with Stripe.

Fill in the following fields:



 The status must be set to "ON" for the


Stripe payment option to appear


during checkout on your storefront. If it's "OFF," customers won't be able to pay using Stripe.

Success & settled: Select the


order status you want to set


when a payment is successful and the funds have been settled by Stripe. This usually corresponds to a status like "Completed"

Success & not settled: Select the


order status for successful payments where the funds have not yet been settled by Stripe. The recommended status is "Processing,


" but you can


choose any status you prefer. This is important because some payment processors have a delay between authorization and settlement.



 Choose the order status


to record in


the order history when a payment is declined by Stripe. The order will only be placed


if the payment is


secure connection required



Voided: Order status you want to be set if payment is voided by the administrator.


3D Secure

Stripe payment supports 3d Secure cards. For extra fraud protection, 3D Secure requires customers to complete an additional verification step with the card issuer when paying.

Allowed payment methods

By default, only card payments (credit and debit cards) are enabled in AbanteCart. To offer customers a wider range of payment options, you can enable additional payment methods supported by Stripe.

Enabling Payment Methods:

  • Enable in AbanteCart: Enable in the AbanteCart admin panel Extensions > Payments > Stripe > Select the payment in the Allowed payment methods.

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  • Enable Available Methods in Stripe Dashboard: Explore the list of alternative payment methods that Stripe offers. You can view a list of available alternative payment methods that you can accept in your Payments settings dashboard (Test and Live configurations are different).

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Important Considerations:

  • Minimum Order Requirements: Some payment methods have minimum order amounts or currency requirements. For example, Affirm typically has a minimum order value of $50, and OXXO requires transactions in MXN currency.

  • Specific Currencies: Payment methods like Ideal and Sofort often require transactions to be in EUR.

By offering a variety of payment methods, you can enhance the customer experience and increase your sales potential.

Full list of the Stripe AbanteCart payments

  1. Cards

  2. Apple Pay (Stripe users can accept Apple Pay in iOS applications in iOS 9 and above, and on the web in Safari starting with iOS 10 or macOS Sierra.)

  3. Klarna

  4. ACSS

  5. Afterpay/Clearpay

  6. Alipay

  7. BECS Direct Debit

  8. Bacs Direct Debit

  9. Affirm

  10. Bancontact

  11. Blik

  12. Boleto

  13. Interac

  14. Pix

  15. Revolut Pay

  16. Swish

  17. MobilePay

  18. Zip

  19. EPS

  20. FPX

  21. giropay

  22. Grabpay

  23. iDEAL

  24. Konbini

  25. Link

  26. OXXO

  27. Sofort

  28. Przelewy24

  29. PayNow

  30. PromptPay

  31. SEPA Direct Debit

  32. ACH Direct Debit

  33. WeChat Pay

  34. TWINT, a popular payment method in Switzerland

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Additional settings

Click to connect with Stripe live or test accounts. If you have connection issues click the 'Cannot connect' link to set up Stripe manually.
Every account is divided into two universes: one for testing, and one for running on your live website. All API requests exist in one of those two universes, and objects in one universe cannot be manipulated by objects in the other.
In test mode, credit card transactions don't go through the actual credit card network — instead, they go through simple checks in Stripe to validate that they look like they might be credit cards. You should only use your test API keys for testing. This will make sure that you don't accidentally modify your live customers or charges.


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After connection, you can change the Settlement type


Identifying potential fraud


. Some payment methods require setting up the payment_intent.succeeded webhook to properly confirm the payment status and handle post-payment actions.

Example of Payment Methods Requiring payment_intent.succeeded Webhook in Stripe (Including MobilePay)

  1. MobilePay (Popular in Nordic countries)

  2. SEPA Direct Debit (Takes days to confirm)

  3. ACH Debit (U.S. bank payments)

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Why Do These Payment Methods Need payment_intent.succeeded Webhook?

Unlike card payments, some payment methods have delayed confirmation, meaning the funds are not immediately available. The webhook ensures:

  • Your system properly records a successful payment.


steps to complete the webhook setup

  1. Go to your Stripe Dashboard → Navigate to the Developers > Webhooks section.

  2. Click Add Endpoint.

  3. In the Endpoint URL field, enter your webhook’s HTTPS URL.

  4. Under Events to listen to, select payment_intent.succeeded.

  5. Click Add Endpoint to save your settings.

  6. Once the endpoint is created, click Reveal Signing Secret, then copy the secret key.

  7. Paste the Signing Secret into the Stripe Extension Additional Settings page.