Manage Order Totals

Manage Order Totals

Go to the Extensions → Order Totals

Order Totals are the fees, amounts, discounts, taxes that appear to the customer during checkout. Order Total extensions enable you to show to customers what you charge them and how you make up calculations.

More order totals can be installed with third-party extensions to allow them to apply discounts, bonuses, taxes to the order. For example Gift Certificate, Shipping Fee, Flexy Promotion ..etc

Handling Fee

Admin → Extensions → Order Totals

Charge an extra fee to the customer during checkout. Handling charges are typically used by merchants as a way of recouping order payment costs.

Status: MUST be "ON" for the order total extension is displayed when checking out.

Order Total: Minimum order amount to be reached to apply the fee. If customer order total will exceed this amount, handling fee will not be applied. This is main value but overridden with payment specific settings.

Fee: Free to be added to order total if minimum amount condition is not met. This amount is overridden by payment specific setting.

Payments: Select a specific payment you need to add the fee to. These settings will override the main settings if selected payment is used by the customer.

Payment's config Order Sub-Total: Minimum order sub-total amount to be reached to apply the fee. This overrides main Order Total setting.

Tax Class: Select Tax Class if you need a tax to be applied on top of the fee.

Type: select type of fee (for internal purposes).

Sort Order: Sort Order set's the order of which the Order Total extension will be displayed amongst others.

Calculation Order: Set's the order of which the Order Total extension will be calculated amongst others.

Each order total have own internal logics to all calculations. Even if you change calculation order it is based on order total's logic to ignore or use calculation order.

Low Order Fee

Admin → Extensions → Order Totals

Charge an extra fee if the customer's order is below an amount you specify. You can set up a low order fee if you want to add a fee to orders that are under a specific amount. If for example, a customer buys something for only 2 Euro, you can decide to take an extra fee for the low order processing.

Fill in the following fields:

Order Total: Specify sub-total amount

Fee: - the cost value.

Tax Class: Select Tax Class if you need tax to be applied on-top of the fee.

Status: MUST be "ON" for the order total extension is displayed when checking out.

Type: select type to display.

Sort Order: Sort Order set's the order of which the Order Total extension will be displayed amongst others.

Calculation Order:  set's the order of which the Order Total extension will be calculated amongst others.


Admin → Extensions → Order Totals

Allow customer to see the sub-total. The subtotal of the order is the sum of the price of the product of each order item, each respectively multiplied by the quantity/count value of the order item. The sum is basically the total amount of the order before the shipping charges, discounts, taxes and other relevant values are calculated. Sub-Total is nearly always on the top so the calculation order and sort order should be the set to the lowest number.

Fill in the following fields:

Status: - MUST be "ON" for the order total extension is displayed when checking out.

Type: - select type to display.

Sort Order: - Value for the sub-total should be 1

Calculation Order: -  Value for the sub-total should be 1. Sub-total should be calculated before any taxes totals, discounts or coupons.

Shipping Total

Admin → Extensions → Order Totals

With shipping calculation enabled one or more tangible order items assigned to the order, this value will tell you what the total shipping charge is for the specified order. This value will be added to the subtotal of the order and finally presents the total amount of the order as a sum.

Status: - MUST be "ON" for the order total extension is displayed when checking out.

Type: - select type to display.

Sort Order: - Sort Order set's the order of which the Order Total extension will be displayed amongst others.

Calculation Order: - set's the order of which the Order Total extension will be calculated amongst others.

After Shipping Total enabled please configure Shipping methods to allow customers to ship products purchased.


Admin → Extensions → Order Totals

With the discount coupons feature enabled and active discount coupons in your database, a user might apply a discount to an order which will be deducted from the subtotal of the order. This field tells you what the total amount of discount is which has been applied for the specified order.

Allow customer to use a coupon towards the purchase price.

Fill in the following fields:

Status: - MUST be "ON" for the order total extension is displayed when checking out.

Type: - select type to display. Default is Discount

Sort Order: - Sort Order set's the order of which the Order Total extension will be displayed amongst others.

Calculation Order: - set's the order of which the Order Total extension will be calculated amongst others.

Taxes Total

Admin → Extensions → Order Totals

To see taxes applied to customer's order make sure your set up correct Tax Rates with respect to customer's address and set the product to be taxable.

Status: - MUST be "ON" for the order total extension is displayed when checking out.

Type: - select type to display. Default is Tax

Sort Order: - Sort Order set's the order of which the Order Total extension will be displayed amongst others.

Calculation Order: - set's the order of which the Order Total extension will be calculated amongst others.


Admin → Extensions → Order Totals

Balance order total allow the customer to apply store credit or pay with account's balance.

Balance is always calculated before last main Total of the order.


Admin → Extensions → Order Totals

Allow customer to see one last total before the purchase is billed. The order total is the amount that the user will be/has been charged. The total is the sum of the subtotal minus the discount applied, plus the shipping charges, plus taxes. This is the amount of the payment you receive when the user pays via the payment gateway.

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