POS Loyverse Point of Sale
Connect AbanteCart to Loyverse to keep your business running smoothly. Sync products and categories with Loyverse.
The Loyverse AbanteCart extension allows you to execute the following actions:
Export products with SKUs, inventory, and categories from AbanteCart to Loyverse (Before uploading make sure product and product options values have unique SKUs).
Export customers from AbanteCart to Loyverse.
Update from POS (sync) products and inventory manually (Only products with AbanteCart origin will sync back from Loyverse back to your AbanteCart when you click the Download Products button)
Update from POS (sync) orders and customers manually
Cron Command For Sync with Loyverse
Loyverse How to
Create a token
Create a token in the Loyverse dashboard > Integrations > Access Tokens page https://r.loyverse.com/dashboard/#/integrations/tokens
Make sure to set the proper expiration date.
Copy the Loywerse Access token to Extensions > All Extensions > Loyverse Integration. Save and reload the extension page.
After the token is saved please click the Install/Update webhooks button.
Upload to Loywerse notes:
Before uploading make sure product and product options values must have unique SKUs.
Product names in loyverse cannot contain more than 64 characters
Select the Loyverse Store and Payment method
The first step is to upload the products to Loyverse, the next is to upload the Inventory
Loyverse supports only one option per product so add a simple select box or radio-type option in your AbanteCart or add one combined option as described here Parent & Child Options
Note: If you remove the option from the product and create a new one after uploading to the Loyverse it becomes a new product!
If a product is assigned to multiple categories after uploading the Loyverse will recognize only one category.
Download from Loyverse notes:
Only products with AbanteCart origin will sync back from Loyverse back to your AbanteCart when you click the Download Products button. If you create a product in the Loyverse dashboard it will not sync back to AbanteCart.
To run sync tasks automatically based on a set schedule, you need to set up a crontab in your server to run the script generated on the Loyverse integration extension page (Cron Command For Sync with Loyverse).
Note: Do not set this crontab process to run too often
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