Template Manager

Template Manager

Template Manager is located in Admin → Design → Templates

If not you can not manage the template in Design → Templates section, you can do this in Extensions → Templates section. Check if your new theme extension is installed and enabled  


Once a new template is installed, set it to be default for your store in Design → Templates

Template config

To modify your template, there are couple of areas where you can find configurations

Edit Template Settings

Click the gear icon to go to System → Settings → Appearance section. Here you can change the store Logo, favicon, product image size, and more. For more details, check Changing template appearance settings.

Some third-party themes can ignore appearance setting or use own settings.

Edit extension settings of the template

Most third-party templates have additional configurations on the extension page as any other extensions in AbanteCart.

Please refer to the manuals provided in your extension or theme. To access extension settings go to Admin → Extensions → Templates and find your template extension.

Manage Layouts

Admin → Design → Layouts

AbanteCart has a powerful and easy-to-use Layout Manager. You can control the layout with a visual experience or drag and drop.

The Layout Manager panel is where you would manage layouts for pages in your theme.

If you are looking for how to disable, edit or move block elements on the page (side boxes),  go to Admin → Design → Layouts. Select the appropriate template/page layout and start editing.

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