Changing Domain Name

Changing Domain Name

If you are moving AbanteCart to a different domain name or switching from server pathways to your domain name, then you must update AbanteCart with the new domain name.

Move site from a sub-directory

No need to change configuration file. 

  1. Change Store URL setting to have correct in Admin → System → Settings → Details.
  2. If you put full paths in any of your HTML blocks or Content pages you need to change this.
  3. if you made changes in the .htaccess file, you will need to change it too. No need to change a configuration file.

Move to another hosting

1. Install new AbanteCart

Install new AbanteCart with normal process on the new host (do not load demo data)

NOTE: You need to select the same MySQL database prefix as on your current AbanteCart instance.

How to find the database prefix for the database? Log in to the AbanteCart backend, go to System → Data  Backup/Restore section.

Another way is using a Database Interface (Requires Access to the Database, e.g. phpMyAdmin tool)

2. Backup AbanteCart

On existing AbanteCart instance, do backup of database, code and resource library (do not include system/config.php)

3. Download Backup

Download backup archive from the backup history or /admin/system/backup/ folder on your server.

4. Load backup to newly installed AbanteCart.

To unpack a tar.gz file (A tarball 'tar.gz file' is compressed tar archive) extract backup.tar.gz then extract backup.tar

Use free 7-zip for Windows or Keka app for OS X software.

5. Replace ENCRYPTION_KEY, UNIQUE_ID (SALT for older versions) and SERVER_NAME in config.php

Replace unique keys from your original installation into the new configuration file. It is in system/config.php file

6. Clear AbanteCart cache

If you cannot see your products in the storefront, clear the cache from the admin panel of Abantecart

See also AbanteCart community solution with FTP and manual Database import

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