Add or Edit Products

Add or Edit Products


go to the Products section Catalog → Products




Product Summary

The Product Summary block on the top will help you quickly find main product data like price, SKU, database ID, stock condition. Also, you can click on the Total Orders link to list all placed orders with the current product purchased.

Total orders show the count of all customers' orders


Product Inventory Condition:

Available - if the product's quantity or the product's option quantity is more than 0. 

Disabled - shown if product status is Disabled

Unavailable - related to products Date Available

Out of Stock - shown when the Product's Quantity is 0.

Product Option(s) Out of Stock - appears if you have Option's Track Stock enabled and some of the option's value quantity is drop to 0.

related to the track stock settings see Stock processing configurations manual




Content Version Vault

The Content Version Vault ( Field History) is a fantastic feature for managing product data in AbanteCart. It addresses a common frustration: accidentally overwriting product descriptions, titles, or other crucial content. Here's a breakdown:

How the Content Version Vault Works:

  1. Version History: Every time you edit and save changes to a product's text or HTML content (name, description, meta description, etc.), AbanteCart automatically creates a new version and stores it in the vault.

  2. Reverting Changes: If you make a mistake or decide you don't like the changes you've made, you can easily revert to a previous version. The Content Version Vault provides an interface to browse through the version history for a specific product.

  3. One-Click Restore: Restoring a previous version is typically a one-click process. Select the version you want to revert to, and AbanteCart will restore that version's content.



To clear the content History please go to Admin → System → Clear Data




Products Embed feature

With AbanteCart you can sell anything on any website including static HTML pages. To get the product's embed code click on the share icon. Read more about how to embed your products on any HTML page in Embed your store article. 

If you have the site built on WordPress please download our AbanteCart eCommerce wp plugin



General Data Tab

go to the Catalog → Products

This is where you'll enter or view the core information about your product.

In a multilingual AbanteCart store, product descriptions (and often other text-based fields) are typically multilingual, meaning you need to provide translations for each language you have enabled.

Language Dropdown: In the top right corner of the product edit form (and other relevant forms), you'll find a dropdown menu. This menu allows you to select the content language you're currently editing.

Status: Crucial! If the status is "OFF," the product will not be visible on your storefront, even if you've filled in all other details. Make sure this is "ON" when you want the product to be available for purchase.

Featured Product: Setting this to "ON" designates the product as "featured." This often means it will be displayed in a special "Featured Products" block on your homepage (or elsewhere), depending on your theme's configuration.

Product Name: The official name of your product. This is what customers will see and search for, so make it clear, descriptive, and appealing.

Blurb: A short, concise description of the product. This is often used in product listings (category pages, search results) and sometimes as a brief overview at the top of the product page itself (theme dependent). Think of it as a "teaser" to encourage customers to read the full description.

Description: The full, detailed description of your product. This is where you provide all the information a customer needs to know about the product, its features, benefits, specifications, etc.

If you're comfortable with HTML, it's often safer to switch to the "text" or "code" view of the editor when working with complex HTML. This gives you more direct control over the code and reduces the risk of the visual editor making unwanted modifications. Always preview your changes on the storefront to ensure they are displayed as intended.


Language Dropdown: In the top right corner of the product edit form (and other relevant forms), you'll find a dropdown menu. This menu allows you to select the content language you're currently editing.



Meta Tag Keywords: is supposed to be a brief and concise list of the most important themes of your product's page. Meta Tag Keywords are used by search engines to describe the content of your website. Keywords to be used in the keywords META tag on the product page HTML source.

Meta Tag Description: a brief and concise summary of your product's page's content.

Product Tags: Tags help to make searching for products easier. Add a few relevant keywords that can be used when a customer is viewing some product, then the customer clicks on one of the product's tags to see a list of all products with the same tag. Only Administrator users can add tags in the admin. Use a comma as a delimiter. Product Tags will be viewable by everyone browsing the product info page and can be used as a search keyword at Storefront.

Categories: Category or categories where the product will be displayed on the storefront. Selecting a category will associate this product with that category, and you can select as few or as many associated categories.

Stores: select the store where the product will be displayed. If you're managing multiple Stores, you can select the stores to which this product is associated by checking the check-box next to the Stores from which you want the product to be available.

Read more about multi-store set up in this article

Brand: If you have specified brand names in Catalog → Brands, select the brand name you want to assign the product to.

Model: A unique model number of the product. Not required.





Price and Tax related

Block Product From Ordering: Enable "Call for order". This will put a product to display mode with no ability to purchase. Price remains visible.

Price: Enter the price without tax in your base currency. The price of your item on the front-end. If you have a special price set, this will be the original price.

Cost: The wholesale cost is used for profit reporting. This field is for internal purposes only and does not require a value.

Tax Class: If you are required to charge tax on this item, select tax class. By default, AbanteCart comes with one option for this drop-down: Taxable Goods. The Tax Class for all new products will automatically be set to ---None---.

You can learn more about setting up the Tax Classes and Tax Rates that apply to the Taxable Goods Tax Class, as well as creating new Tax Classes in System → Localization → Tax Classes chapter.  In case your product is taxable you can show your customer's price including taxes. Enable this in the Checkout settings


Stock related

Track Stock: Set YES if you want to track stock quantity for this product. The enabled main product to track stock and subtract the quantity after an order is placed by customers. If these settings are inactive this means some of the option's values have the enabled Track Stock.  Read more about Stock processing configurations.

Quantity: The exact current quantity in stock, or any value if you do not intend to track the inventory of this product. Used if the Track Stock is set to ON. If you have any stock trackable options, this became inactive.

Stock Locations: Not required. Set the stock quantities in appropriate warehouse locations. Read more in the Inventory manual. Add new locations in System → Localization → Locations

Minimum Quantity: This value requires the customer to purchase a minimum amount of each product in an order. Forcing this quantity to be added to the cart automatically. The minimum order amount always appears on a product details page of the storefront

Maximum Quantity: The maximum number of product items that a customer can order at a time. 0 means no maximum limit.

Stock Checkout: Allow customers to check out this product if the product or product's option is out of stock. You can choose to use global Default Stock checkout from your store's Checkout settings or override it for this product only.

Pre-Order Stock Status: The message shown if product stock or options will drop to 0 or below and Stock Checkout is Enabled for a product.

Important to understand product stock status flow read the Inventory article

SKU: The products SKU. In the "SKU" text box you can set a unique identification number for this item. SKU is global, meaning if you update the SKU for a product in one store, it will update in all other stores as well. If using the product option's value with SKU, please do not set SKU on the main product or be aware of the conflict.

Misc Location: A place to store some extra data. The initial purpose was for warehouses as an internal note on where something is located.



SEO related

SEO Keyword: The SEO Keyword is important for the proper indexing of your online store by the various search engines. SEO key that will show in URL. The default value will be set to the product name on product creation. To create a new one, click Generate button. Read how to enable SEO URLs in AbanteCart

Date Available: This field allows you to record the date when the product is available in your store. Before this date, the product will be hidden for customers and search engines. Note: depending on your host server settings/location and the actual time you are adding a product it can use the next day keeping a product from being shown until the available date current.

Sort Order: Sort Order set's the order in which the product will be displayed amongst others.



Shipping related

Requires Shipping: Whether the product is shippable. If disabled checkout process will skip the delivery method selection step.

Ship Product Individually: The product will be shipped in a separate package and additional shipping costs will be added to the order with multiple items.

Free Shipping: Whether the product should be shipped free of charge. Shipping will be free of charge in case all products in the shopping cart are free shipping too.


Fixed Shipping Price: this setting allows you to offer an exact shipping price for individual products.


Length/Width/Height: set to better specify your current product

Length Class: Units of measure to use in product options and shipping by product dimensions. 


Weight: The product's weight - usually used for shipping calculations. If using the product options with this setting, please do not set on the main product or be aware of the conflict.

Weight Class: Weight classes are used to provide a structured way of handling products and shipping systems that use different units of weight.
































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