Manage Products Options

Manage Products Options

go to the Products section Catalog → Products → Edit Product

By using product options effectively, you can offer a wide range of product variations on a single product page, improving the customer experience and simplifying product management.





In this tab, you can also add predefined Global Attributes (these are attributes that are defined once and can be reused across multiple products). For instructions on how to use Global attributes, please refer to the Global attributes section

Product options appear on the product details page on the storefront as selectable or input parameters to the product.

When you decide to set up some attributes for a product, you need to consider what product properties (Colors, Sizes, Materials) may be important to buyers. This will help you to decide which type of attribute you will need to configure.

Key Concept:

  • Global Attributes (Options): These are attributes that are defined once and can be reused across multiple products. This is the recommended approach for attributes that are common to many products in your store (e.g., "Size," "Color").

  • New Option: This allows you to create a product-specific attribute that is only used for this particular product.

  • Element Type: This defines how the option will be presented to the customer on the storefront (e.g., dropdown menu, radio buttons, text input, checkbox).

  • Sort Order: This controls the order in which the options are displayed on the product page.

  • Required: This setting makes an option mandatory. The customer must select a value for this option before adding the product to their cart.



Attributes types

AbanteCart supports the next field types (Element Types) for attributes (options). Choosing the correct element type is crucial for providing a good user experience on your product pages.

  • Single-Value Input:

    • input: A standard text input field. Use this for short text entries like names, initials.

    • textarea: A larger text area, suitable for longer text entries. Use this for descriptions, comments, or other multi-line text input.

    • hidden: A hidden field for advanced users. This is not visible to the customer but can store data that is sent with the form submission. Useful for internal tracking or passing data to other systems.

    • file: Allows the customer to upload a file (image, document, etc.). Use this for personalized products where the customer provides an image or design.

    • date: A date input field with a date picker interface, making it easy for customers to select a date.

    Multiple-Value Selection:

    • selectbox: A dropdown menu allowing the customer to select one option from a list. Use this for attributes where only one value can be chosen (e.g., size, color).

    • multiselectbox: A list box allowing the customer to select multiple options. Use this when more than one option can be chosen (e.g., preferred features).

    • radio: Radio buttons, allowing the customer to select one option from a list. Visually similar to a selectbox but better for shorter lists of options.

    • checkbox: Checkboxes, allowing the customer to select one option value.

    • checkboxgroup: A group of checkboxes.


    • label: A simple text label. This is not an input field; it's used to display text on the product page, often to provide instructions or context for other attributes.

Editable attributes - Input, Textarea, File. They allow the customer to enter or upload custom information that is specific to their order. This is used for personalization options like monogramming, engraving, or custom prints. The data entered by the customer is then associated with their order.


Additional options available:

Placeholder: usually used with input attribute type. The placeholder specifies a short hint that describes the expected value of an input field (e.g. a sample value or a short description of the expected format). The short hint is displayed in the input field before the user enters a value.

Regular Expression Pattern for Validation of Values: is a sequence of characters that forms a pattern, mainly for use in pattern matching. Programming knowledge required!


Regular Expression to match a latin text, allowing spaces, whitespace, and line breaks /^[a-zA-Z\s]*$/


Error Message of invalid Value: the message text is shown when the attribute value does not meet the Regular Expression Pattern



Adding Option Values

  1. Select Option: After creating a product option (e.g., "Size"), you select that option from the list.

  2. Fill the Form: This is where you define the individual values for the option (e.g., S, M, L for the "Size" option).



You can fill/edit the following fields:

Default: For multi-value attributes (selectbox, radio), you can specify which value should be selected by default when the customer views the product page.

Option value: The actual name of the option value (e.g., "Small," "Medium," "Large").

Track Stock: Enable option value for a product to track stock and subtract the quantity after an order is placed by customers. This is an important setting to read more about Stock processing configurations.

Quantity: If you're tracking stock, this is where you specify the quantity you have for this specific option value. This is crucial for managing inventory at the variation level.

Stock Locations: If you use stock locations (warehouses), you can specify the quantity of this option value at each location. The options value main "Quantity" field will then become read-only and display the total calculated quantity across all locations.

Note that stock locations are not available for multi-value option types like checkboxgroup and multiselect.


Attribute values for product options can be configured as price and/or weight modifier options that will increase or decrease the price and/or weight of the product (the product's weight affects the shipping cost).

Price Modifier: This allows you to add or subtract from the base product price for this specific option value. 
EXAMPLE: Men's extra-large t-shirts cost $2 more from the manufacturer. The "+$2.00" will appear in the option box of your storefront. If you wish to DISCOUNT this option, type "-2.00".

Modify Price By: select type of price calculation. If you select "$" the new price for this option will be 'manufacturer price' +/- 'option price value in your default currency. If you select "%" the new price for this option will be 'manufacturer price' +/- 'option price value percent from manufacturer price'.

Sort Order: Controls the order in which the option values are displayed on the product page (e.g., S, M, L instead of L, M, S).

By clicking on the expand link, the menu will appear with additional fields:


SKU: The product's option value SKU. In the "SKU" text box you can set a unique identification number for this item.

Weight: and Weight Type: When you set a weight modifier for a product option value, you have two choices for how that modifier is applied:

  • Percentage (%): If you specify the weight modifier as a percentage, the option's weight will be calculated as a percentage of the main product's weight.

  • Absolute Value: If you provide a specific weight value (not a percentage), this value will be used as the absolute weight for that option, and the main product's weight will be ignored.

Actual Cost: Your actual cost for this specific option value. For internal reference only.

Unique Text ID: not required field used as identification for advanced users and extension developers.

Add media: Allows you to add images or other media specifically for this option value. These images will often be shown when the customer selects that option on the product page. This is great for showing different colors or styles of a product. The selected option's value image will also be shown in the cart and order history.



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